Friday, September 21, 2012

She Gets Me

Thus far this blog has been host to a few of my random ramblings, social commentary, and a little bit about my family.  I'd like to take this opportunity to post about the other half of the Levity and Perspective as she is my greatest inspiration.  Not only in this blog, but also in life.  Since you reader are learning a bit about me though my posts, it seems fitting that you also learn about my other half.

My wife and I connect on a level that is so deep that others would have an easier time understanding Hamlet read in Klingon than the way that she and I communicate with one another.  This can be demonstrated by the fact that I must focus when outside of my home in order to communicate with other adults due to the fact they are not operating on the same level as my wife and I.  This does not mean that I feel that we operate on a higher level, like we are more evolved (we totally are), but a different level.


Co-worker: Have you seen my blue pen?

Me: Do clowns freak you out?

Co-worker: What?

Me: Clowns, are they or are they not a soulless entity spawned of nightmares, anxiety, and ground beef gone bad?

Co-worker: Did you hear that I asked about my pen?

Me: There are more important matters at hand. I need a hammer the Clownocalypse is nigh!

Now in the context of my home, my mention of face painted demons pretending to be entertainers would not have derailed the conversation at all.  I will take you through the steps so that you can see what I mean.

My co-worker was wearing scrubs, which made me think of the television show Scrubs.  This made me think of the Scrubs episode which featured Colin Hay from the band Men At Work performing the song Overkill.  Colin Hay and Men At Work reminded me of the movie of the same name starring Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, and voice actor Kieth David.  Kieth David was the voice of Spawn in the HBO animated series.  The villain in that series was a demonic clown (I realize that calling a clown demonic is redundant so don't bother pointing it out).
This guy seems legit though
 Had I been having this conversation with my wife, she would have connected most of if not all of the same dots that I had and the conversation would have been more like this.

Wife: Have you seen my blue pen?

Me: Do clowns freak you out?

Wife: Totally! We need hammers!

Me: Yeah we do!

Now she may not have picked upon the Spawn reference as comic books are not in her wheel house, nor is professional wrestling.  Not that there were any wrestling references in that journey but it is worth mentioning.  I'd like to take a moment of silence for all of the awesome Ric Flair jokes that I've made that fell flat in my home.

Now I said earlier that we operate on a different level.  Some may look at my mental process and think that we are just two people with ADHD that happen to have a lot of common reference points for the chaos pinging around in our noggins to bounce off of.  Well to you I say that I have yet to have been diagnosed and will continue to operate under the assumption that I am just a faster thinker than average.

Now that I bared a lil bit-O-my'soul, I am feeling vulnerable and will go hug my wife.  She will know why without asking.
 In closing I would like to make the following recommendations to improve society as a whole.
  • A weird fetish must be revealed within three dates.  That's the window.  After that you are stuck zealously guarding your browser history for the duration of the relationship.  Weirdo.  (in NO way applicable to my wife and I)
  •  Pomegranate is delicious but a pain in the ass to eat.  Eating pomegranate is more of a hobby than a snack.  Want to fix that Monsanto? 
  • If someone is wiping their face in order indicate that you have something on your face remember, they are a mirror, if they wipe the left side of their face then you wipe the right side of yours.  It's not a guessing game, they are showing you exactly where it is, take the hint.

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