Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Eat a Doughnut in 100 Easy Steps

How to Eat a Doughnut in 100 Easy Steps
(a guide for parents of large families)

  1. Remove doughnut from the box you purchased yesterday. Come on you didn't think you were going to get it the first day did you? Sucker.
  2. Place doughnut on a plate.
  3. Put the plate someplace that the babies cannot reach it.
  4. Move plate to someplace that the toddler cannot reach it.
  5. Notice poopy diaper.
  6. Prepare to change the daiper.
  7. Remove babies onesie.
  8. Begin to remove diaper.
  9. Move babies hand away from poop.
  10. Move babies hand away from poop again.
  11. Wipe poop from your hand.
  12. Complete diaper removal.
  13. Wipe baby clean with baby wipe.
  14. Pick up second baby.
  15. Place second baby away from first baby.
  16. Wipe poop from second babies hand.
  17. Wipe poop from your own hand again.
  18. Finish wiping first baby clean.
  19. Wipe poop from your own hand again.
  20. Remove second babies hand from first babies genitals.
  21. Move baby two farther away.
  22. Fasten diaper on baby one.
  23. Look longingly at doughnut.
  24. Repeat steps 5 through 23 for second baby.
  25. Repeat steps 5 through 23 for toddler.
  26. Repeat steps 5 through 23 for first baby again.
  27. Forget doughnut existed.
  28. Remove laundry from drier.
  29. Move laundry from washing machine to drier.
  30. Start new load of laundry.
  31. Start new episode Paw Patrol for the toddler.
  32. Repeat steps 5 through 23 for baby number two again.
  33. Make mental note to wash hands before making lunch.
  34. Begin making lunch.
  35. Shrug shoulders, wash hands.
  36. Notice doughnut.
  37. Place babies in high chairs.
  38. Reach for doughnut.
  39. Catch baby falling from high chair.
  40. Fasten baby into high chair, for real this time.
  41. Give babies and toddler lunch.
  42. Pick up food from floor because toddler, “DOESN'T WANT CARROTS!”
  43. Pick up and comfort crying toddler because you said she needed to have one bite.
  44. Look longingly at doughnut.
  45. Get toddler crackers and cheese.
  46. Pick up crackers and cheese from the floor because toddler, “WANTS CARROTS!”
  47. Remove babies from high chairs.
  48. Forget about doughnut.
  49. Make quesadilla for the 14 year old.
  50. Start “North Avenue Irregulars” for the 14 year old.
  51. Remove climbing babies from the table top.
  52. Gather bottles for all interested parties.
  53. Remove babies from the table top again.
  54. Lay all chairs in the house on their sides to prevent babies from climbing on the table top.
  55. Lay toddler in bed surrounded by books.
  56. Offer eternal soul to Jesus, Satan, Buddha, Odin, Kirk Cameron, Aquaman, Morgan Freeman, and anyone else willing listen to ensure the toddler takes a nap.
  57. Pick up crying baby number 1.
  58. Change diaper.
  59. Pick up both crying babies and adjust bottles their mouths.
  60. Answer door with foot.
  61. Politely decline religious solicitation while attempting to set fire to hand held pamphlets with your mind.
  62. Set down crying babies in order to attend to screaming toddler.
  63. Refill toddlers nap time beverage of choice.
  64. Remember doughnut.
  65. Pick up babies and bottles.
  66. Rock until baby is asleep.
  67. Attempt to set baby in crib.
  68. Pick screaming baby back up.
  69. Repeat step 66.
  70. Attempt to set down baby number two.
  71. Repeat steps 66 through 68.
  72. Sob uncontrollably.
  73. Place babies in cribs.
  74. Repeat step 49.
  75. Help 15 year old with homework.
  76. Listen to 15 year old pitch idea about Firefly fan fiction.
  77. Dick around on Facebook for 3 minutes.
  78. Remember doughnut.
  79. Repeat steps 28 through 30.
  80. Repeat step 68.
  81. Attempt to use restroom.
  82. Release remaining pride as screaming and thrashing baby attempts to deseat you from atop the toilet while being held in your arms.
  83. Repeat step 72 and 66.
  84. Attempt to clean kitchen while holding sleeping baby.
  85. Remember doughnut.
  86. Attempt to set baby down on couch.
  87. Repeat step 68.
  88. Offer crying baby bottle, toys, and money in that order.
  89. Place sleeping baby on couch.
  90. Repeat step 77.
  91. Repeat steps 50 and 56.
  92. Return to doughnut.
  93. Search for doughnut.
  94. Find 15 year old.
  95. Watch as 15 year old devours the last of the doughnut.
  96. Contain unfathomable despair and rage.
  97. Repeat step 57.
  98. Change diaper.
  99. Repeat step 72.
  100. Begin cooking dinner.
Well kids that is a peak into our daily lives. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget we still have some raffle tickets for sale here. We appreciate all of the support we have received thus far and are close to reaching our goal.


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that this is an entirely appropriate response to this blog posting. As it has little to do with parenting, and even less to do with doughnuts.
