Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Act Now!

For those of you who have not been following us on the regular I shall quickly bring you up to speed.  We are helping our oldest child raise funds in order to explore the world abroad, specifically Europe.  One of the ways we are doing this is selling raffle tickets.The winner of said raffle will find themselves the owner of a hand made quilt generously donated by Marcia Kendall.
Pretty ain't it?
 We have spent a lot of time telling you how your participation in this assists us, our daughter, and the world in general.  Where we have been dropping the ball is letting you know about all of the benefits of quilt ownership.  So without further adieu (that's a French word)...
  1. Quilts are natural warlock replant.  If you don't buy a ticket, I can't guarantee that you won't fall prey to the evil eye of some wandering spell caster.   
  2. The government can't hear your thoughts when you are underneath this quilt.  The rebellion is counting on you!
  3. If you don't buy a ticket, the terrorists win! Seriously, nothing pisses a terrorist off like an educated young woman.  You don't love terrorists do you?
  4. The prophecy foretold it.
  5. You can use it to smother out the fire after you attempt to juggle flaming bowling balls. Seriously, what were you thinking anyways?
  6. It is possible that the fabric used in this quilt came from the same material used in Aladdin's flying carpet... sure why not.
  7. It is the same kind of quilt that Superman would own.
  8. It makes a good cape.
  9. It might quiet the voices in your head.  Doubtful, but I guess it's worth trying.
  10. Monsters can not see you when you are underneath this quilt.  
  11. While this quilt is not designed to be used as a contact lens, it is easy on the eyes.
  12.  It can be used as a flotation device, assuming that you lay it down over an actual flotation device.
  13. It will make you desirable to the opposite sex, or same sex the quilt does not judge.
  14. It will keep your secrets.
  15. After winning the quilt you will get to walk the cocky walk of a quilt owner.  No one can take that away from you.  Unless they take the quilt I guess.
Now that you are quivering with something that doctors refer to as  "Quilt Lust" I will encourage you to click here and find the donation and raffle ticket instructions.  



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