Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Name Game

Well my wife has reached levels of discomfort that can not be fully understood by anything packing testicles and that can mean only one thing, the twins are almost here.  We are not yet fully prepared as the boys' room is still lacking a couple of essential items and the college funds are presently imaginary.  That being said, we are getting excited.  The lack of activity on the blog of late has been largely due to our time being dedicated to trying to tie up those last few loose ends. We apologize but there always seems to be more chores than time.

One of those chores has been to zero in on a name for these little buggers.  Naming a child is one of the trickiest things about preparing for a new addition to your family.  The twin factor adds another layer due to the fact that many parents of twins choose to go with a rhyme scheme or theme.  Also, the fact that we give people two names seems a bit strange to me.  I understand the legal and logical reasoning behind a first and last name.  But what is the purpose of the middle name?  Is if the vice name, seated to take control in the event that the first name is assassinated? A backup name in the event that the first name fails due to technical difficulties.  I suppose I can research this later.  Anyway we have pretty much zeroed in on what we are calling these kiddos and since we may be meeting them any day now, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce them to you.  Well at least the names.  But first, the runners up.

Steven Harris - We liked this one because Steven is a family name and since we are fans of Dexter it would be fun to use the name Harris as a nod to a character in the show.  Steve Harris is also the name of the bass player for Iron Maiden.  Almost snuck that past the wife. Almost.

Danger - I have been fortunate enough to have several of what I can classify as best friends.  Maybe a dozen over the years.  Two of these chaps go by the names Daniel and Gerald (Jerry for short).  If I cut the first three letters off both names then smoosh them together we get the name Danger.  This would have been a middle name of course.  Shot down because it may be setting this little guy up for a life of crime.  Or of being to awesome.

Gotlob - I have a cousin that is really into our family history.  While hunting through our family tree together he showed me that I have an ancestor that went by the name Gotlob.  I liked this name because I like the idea of going through your whole life and NEVER meeting another individual of the same name.  The wife never gave this one a chance.  Probably because it sounds terrible.

Clark - I love me some Superman.  This one would have been paired with a first name that would have coincidentally given the boy the same name as a famous explorer.  A little bit of research revealed that this explorer was a real dick to his slaves and was in fact, the only member of the Oregon Trail party that thought it would be appropriate to brings a slave.  Moving on.

Saxon - This was only bandied about for about three days.  Three awesome days.  The wife came up with it and I was totally on board.  Mostly because I loved the idea of naming one of my youngsters after an early 80s metal band.  Part of the reason this got rejected was that if we named one of them Saxon, the other one would probably have to be Stryper.  That borders on child abuse.  

Max - This would have been paired with Danger.  Maximus Danger, Max Danger.  This fell into the same trap that Saxon did. If we named one Max Danger the other would have to go by something like Total Destruction, or Mass Damage.  Fun yes, but also a set up for a youth spent in juvenile detention.

Fletcher - One obstacle of naming a child is bad associations with otherwise fine names.  We both liked this name.  I even worked with a Fletcher that was a stand up guy.  But she knew a guy named Fletcher that was kind of a perv.  So Fletcher was out. 

Dexter - Again, big fans of the show.  But naming your kid after a serial killer, even a fictional one is a little nutty.  Also last season was a little meh.

Harrison - This was a strong candidate but one of our best friends who is due right about the same time we are already called dibs.  According to the shotgun bylaws, the laws which govern all childhood rules up to and including who gets the front seat of the car, we had to respect the dibs. 

Stephen - A family name.  A solid name.  The list of the Stephen's that I admire includes, Stephen Colbert, Dr. Steve Novella, Steve Tyler, Stephen Hawking, Stephen Fry, Stephen King, and the guy that sang Magic Carpet Ride.  We went with another family name to honor this same person.

Archer - More on Archery later, but this is also the name of one of my favorite super spies.  

The Winners
Robert Oliver.
Robert is my first name, my father's first name, his father's first name, the name of the guy that played Iron Man, the name of a famous sea captain which explored much of the North West, and yes a sparkly vampire.  But they can't all be winners.  It's flexible too, lots of ways you can go with Robert; Rob Robby, Bob.  None of these matter though as we will be calling him by his middle name.
Oliver is a classic name.  It is also the name of the Green Arrow who is one of my favorite super heroes.    Archery is not only the only sport that I am any good at but also an excellent way to calm your mind.  It was a big part of my childhood and something that I still enjoy today. Also, the initial's will spell ROK. 
Say no to drugs
William Alexander
William is my brothers name, my father-in-law's name, one half of Wild Stallions, Dr. Huxtable, the science guy, an infamous gun slinger in the old west, and arguably the greatest playwright ever to have lived.  I could go on but there really is a crazy long list of famous folk with the name William. William is a flexible name like Robert; with your Bill, Billy, Will, Willy, and Will.I.Am.  But this kid will go by William.
Alexander is a classic name and I have always admired the story of Alexander the Great.  That dude did more in his life than any 10 other people.  Needless to say, I will expect him to conquer most of Persia by his 30th birthday.
When we play D&D I will only let him play a Bard
 Again, sorry about the lack of activity as of late, babies will do that to you.


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