Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanks and Help

Hey readers, I hope you have been enjoying this blog as much as we have enjoyed writing it.  Our original goal in our writing has been two fold.  First of all, to share the many nearly unbelievable stories of our lives as well as our more benign but silly thoughts with you all.  Secondly, as we are a large and still growing family we are in need of a second income.  I feel that we have done a good job of meeting that first goal but our second goal will require some assistance from you, the reader.

We are about to cross the two thousand mark on page views, that is pretty exciting.  We started this blog over the summer and considering we have really only relied on word of mouth that is a pretty great accomplishment.  Unfortunately, in order for us to produce any kind of income from our blog we require about 15 times that many hits a month.   

Helping us won't be difficult, we aren't really asking much.  Only that you spread the good word.  Some of you have done so and I hope that we have adequately thanked you.

If you look toward the bottom of the screen you will see that there are a few buttons that you can click representative of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ (whatever the hell that is) among others.  If you happen to read an entry and it makes you chuckle it would help us out a lot if you clicked that button so that others may learn of our hilarity.

On the other hand, if you read something that really offends you on our blog, well by jimminy you better click that button so you can show everyone how wrong we are and share you rage at us. 

Then again, if you read something that makes you think, oh that poor family, I should pray for them.  Well I don't claim to know the mind of god, but it seems that if one prayer is good, then fifty might be better!  What better way to get the attention of the almighty than to click one of those buttons that shares our tales with the world? 

Finally, I didn't want it to come to this, but if you don't click on one of those share buttons following a blog entry, I will club this baby seal.

His name is Henry
We thank you for your support, and Henry thanks you.


1 comment:

  1. It was just pointed out to me that this seal shares a name with a friends yet to be born child. This is a coincidence. Looking forward to meeting you Henry.
