Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nature, Nurture, and Naboo

Being a psychology enthusiast I am very familiar with the nature vs nurture debate.  If you are not I will give you a quick overview.  The equation that makes up our personalities is as follows.

Genetics + Environment = You
To put it simpler.  
Your Parents + Your Home = You

The debate is between how much genetics contributes to ones personality versus how much an individual's environment contributes to their personality.  So if you grow up in a great neighborhood, have wonderful teachers, are raised by wonderful people, and have awesome friends, but one of your biological parents lived their whole life thinking that they were Napoleon then there is a good chance that you may be a half a bubble off. 

The genetic contribution is typically downplayed for several reasons.  One of the reasons that we try to play our DNA down is that we are control freaks and like to pretend that we have more control over our lives than we actually do.  I am currently at the age that I realize that I am slowly becoming my parents.  I am lucky in that my parents are pretty awesome.  If I was someone that had less than awesome parents I might really resent the fact that I as slowly beginning to resemble what I despised and deny all evidence that supported that idea.

Another motive for a lack of support for genetic contribution to our individuality is that as American's we tend to embrace the idea that we are all beautiful and unique snowflakes.  The fact that a good portion of what makes us who we are is just a result of a DNA cocktail, it feels like it takes a bit of the magic away.

Lastly, it seems a little racist.  African American's are overwhelmingly represented in our penal system.  Much of what contributes to this fact is poverty, poor education, lack of opportunity, and some good old fashioned racism.  If it is said that part of our actions in life are determined by our genetics then it kind of sounds like individuals of one ethnicity, are more likely to be criminals than others.  This is NOT what the genetic contribution is to personality is saying.

The reason I am bringing this up is that, as I raise my kids, I have found myself in many ways mirroring my parents, (mostly my dad's) behaviors.  Some of this is conscious.  I remember games that my dad played with me and play them with my children.  Other games I play don't realize were games that my parents played with me until my folks fill me in after the fact.  

I am curious as to what traits I will pass along to my offspring.  Whether down the genetic line or through exposure while in our home.

The following is a few examples of conversations I am certain I will have with my kids.

Nurture aka Environment

Kid: Why do I have to roll these dice again?

Me: Because your making a Paladin for D&D.

Kid: But I don't want to make a character.


Nature aka Genetics
Kid: Why can't I hit a curve ball dad?

Me: Because you come from crap stock kid.  Now go get your laptop, we are going to play some Castle Wolfenstein.  
Kid: Why do I have to clean my room?

Me: Because it's a mess.

Kid: That's a dodge, I want a real answer and supporting evidence.

Me: I'm your dad that's why.

Kid: That's a red herring logical fallacy.  Give me a real answer and cite your sources.

Me: Because your mom will kill us both if you don't.

Kid: Compelling, I'll get it done.

Kid: Dad there is a girl I like at school.  What should I do?

Dad: Do you think she likes you back?

Kid: I don't know.

Dad: What have you done so far to get her attention?

Kid: I did a weird chicken dance thing.

Dad: I'm... so proud.

So based on my contributions to these little rascals I can fairly safely predict that they will be odd, funny, not exactly athletic, and nerds.  Thank goodness my wife is half the mix.


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