Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Adventures in You Can't Make This Shit Up Volume 4...Sigh

It would appear that fate, much like the Hells Angels, Bears, and Muslims, does not appreciate being called out.  We closed our last post recapping our hellacious week with the words, "bring it on" directing this taunt at the coming days.  Oh how we have lived to regret that decision.

At about 9:30 this morning we received a call from Maggie's school informing us that she'd fallen and had a seizure.  We still do not know how she fell but I have my suspicions.
I'll get you you sumbitch!
   This was particularly scary because even though Maggie does have Down Syndrome, chronic pneumonia, asthma, a history of recurring periorbital cellulitis, has had three heart surgeries, a diaphragmatic hernia, extensive dental surgery, ear tubes, adenoidectomy, and is non verbal, a seizure is a new trick for her.

Long story short, we are home and she is fine as far as we can tell.  The last few posts that we have put up have been about how life has crapped on us.  I don't want to do that today.  Today I am going to try to be thankful for what I do have.  This may be because I watched part of "Half the Sky" last night and I am very aware of how lucky I am in most things.
Also, apparently there are advantages to educating women.
 I want to talk a bit about how thankful I am to the paramedics who rushed to her school. I am also thankful to the doctor that busted her ass in medical school and I am guessing accrued a crazy amount of student loan debt, that assessed my daughter.  I am thankful to the nurses that have also worked hard through school and most likely accrued a crazy amount of student loan debt.  I am also thankful to the scientists that developed the medications that were used today.  I am also thankful to the scientists and engineers that developed the and built the CT scan that we would have used had Maggie been able to sit still long enough to use them.

Thank you for the long hours you spend away from your families, for the long nights you spent studying, for the times that you get soaked in any number of bodily fluids, for the verbal abuse that you must endure from angry and frightened families when the news that you must deliver is not good.  Thank you.

So please, next time you talk to a doctor, give them a hug.  If you are in your local coffee shop behind someone in scrubs and can afford it, buy their drink for them.  If you are at a party and you meet someone that states that they work in a lab and are researching medications, offer that person a hand job.  Assuming you have consent and it is gender appropriate.  Also, if they work in a lab, odds are they need the love'n.


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