Sunday, April 19, 2015


Put that down
Don't go in there
Don't touch that
Take that out of your mouth
Spit that out
Don't draw on that
Sit down
Eat that
Don't eat that
Don't bite me
Don't bite him
Don't bite that
Don't bite her
Don't say that
Be Quiet

So much of my kids' life is being told what to do and what not to do. It's part of the parent/child relationship and it is meant to keep our children safe and prevent them from growing up and becoming total a-holes. The preceding list of commands represents roughly 40 seconds of a day in my home.
This is why I think that it's important to let my kids make up some of the rules when we are playing a game.

My hope is that giving them little opportunities to have some control will keep them from totally losing their minds when they move out and going Full Bieber. By the way if saying Full Bieber isn't a thing yet,  it should be.

That, dear reader, is how I ended up in this prison.  Not a real prison mind you,  but restricted to the kitchen, children's room and laundry room by wall made of pillows, blankets, kitchen chairs, and one almost 4 year old.

The Littlest Corrections Officer
For whatever reason Merritt just decided that I was not allowed to leave this area.  I figured that I could talk my way out of this as I talk my way out of most things.  Alas my jailer proved more clever that I anticipated.

"Where will I go to the bathroom?"
Go downstairs
"What if I get hungry?"
You can use the kitchen
"How will I go to work?"
You can drive one of the little cars downstairs (toy car).
"What about new clothes?"
Get them out of the laundry room.
"But there is no shower. How can I get clean?"
You can just wash your armpits in the sink.
"In the sink?"
Yes, you can use toothpaste.
"Toothpaste in my armpits?"
Yes, it will work fine.
"What about mowing the lawn?"
Mom can do that.

Honestly, I tried to out maneuver her for 60 minutes and she had an answer for every scenario. I was pretty sure that her attention span would lapse after 15 or so minutes but such was not the case.

I suppose I could have been irritated that I was tied up for a whole hour. But it was fun, also I'm very aware of the fact that before I know it my kids may not want to spend 5 minutes with me much less a whole hour.

One of the hardest things for me to do is to slow down. Every once in a while something like this happens and reminds me that my main job as a parent is not to do laundry, clean the kitchen, mow the lawn, or even go to work.  My main job as a parent is to be a parent.  Sometimes that means to play when the opportunity presents itself.  If you need any other reminders of this then click here.



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