Thursday, February 14, 2013

Terror Toys

It has been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Enter the SingAMaJig.  A relative with a good heart and noble intentions purchased our sweet toddler a couple of SingAMaJig's when she was but a new born.  If you don't know what a SingAMaJig is, I will show you.
I am become Shiva, destroyer of worlds.
Note the open mouth, no doubt preparing to drink the joy from your soul.  Also note the dead eyes, looking through you.  

The SingAMaJig is named so due to the fact that when you squeeze it's belly it begins to sing one of many tunes.  I deduce that this is a quality that was learned by this devil doll in either the 3rd or 4th circle of hell in order to appeal to our human love of Yankee Doodle.  Since this "toy" is mostly of demon blood it is not able to just belt a tune out the way an angle would. It requires multiple squeezes in order to force the joy out one syllable at a time.  This is what ultimately lead to my decision to keep one of these nigh malevolent creatures in the garage.

You see, the tune programmed into one of our SingAMaJigs is Skinnamarink e dink a dink.  Now you may think that this tune is innocent enough.  Well by the dark of night I accidentally trod upon one of these gremlins, which forced out the first syllable.  Had I not been so in tuned to the innate evil contained within the monster, I would have thought nothing of the fact that a toy had just yelled the word, "SKINNNNNNNNN" at me.  

You may be thinking, "Hey, that is just the first word of the song."  Well I pity you and your face which is about to be carved up by a possessed doll.

This was clearly a threat.  I caught the SingAMaJig, or should I say, SkinAMaJig by surprise and it unintentionally revealed it's plan for the night.  To skin myself and my family. 

Be ever vigilant reader for evil may be as close as your toy chest.


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