Monday, May 5, 2014

The Purest Love & The Deepest Hate

Spring is upon us and with it, spring time outside activities. For our little Merritt, that includes enjoying the swing in our back yard. She can spend hours gliding through the air with the happiest expression that anyone has ever had plastered on her face. I enjoy this as well since it really is minimal effort on my part, and I get to feel like I'm a good parent since my kid is not in front of the TV.
This last week, during one such outdoor excursion I was pleased to hear her ask, “Dad, do you want me to push you?” This made me feel like the king of all success. Not only was my child enjoying herself and lost in a state of bliss known only to toddlers. But she apparently thought to herself, “This is so awesome, I love the way this feels. I also love dad! I should help him feel like this!” My child has learned reciprocation. Not only that but she wants to spread joy in the world. My kid is already more generous and thoughtful than many adults I have encountered.
“No thank you Merritt.” I declined the offer.
“Why not dad?” She did look truly surprised that anyone would turn down this unbridled freedom that she was experiencing.
“Because it makes me happy to see you happy Merritt. You look really happy right now. Are you happy?” This is spill over from my work, trying to help kids identify positive emotions and such. Imagine my surprise when my child's face suddenly darkened and she replied in the negative.
“No? Why not Merritt?”
“Do you see any spiders?”
“No daddy, I just don't like spiders.”
But I hug at four times human capacity!
It would seem that my child's hatred of spiders is so pure that even their existence taints any and all other activities. In her mind; pleasure and spiders cannot exist in the same realm. I could have tried to explain to her that spiders eat bad bugs and might even save lives by getting rid of bugs that spread disease, but her world is not that big yet.
Then I got to thinking, maybe she knows something that I don't. I did some research and here are some facts that you may not have known about spiders.
  • Spiders are responsible for 58% of movie spoilers on Facebook
  • Spiders were the ones that pitched Jar Jar Binks to George Lucas
  • The director of Batman and Robin as well as Batman Forever; Joel Schumacher is a spider
  • Nickelback is made entirely of spiders
  • Hitlers mustache was actually spiders
  • Spiders lay eggs in your hair when you are asleep, they burrow into your skull and give you dreams about peeing the bed. Then guess what happens. That's right, and it's all thanks to spiders.
  • Spiders sold weapons to the Taliban in 1994
  • Every reality show has a spider as an executive producer.
  • Spiders are responsible for all anti vaccine propaganda
  • Spiders routinely force flight delays
  • Spiders are the ones eating half a doughnut then leaving it in the box at the office to go stale
Now I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this looks pretty bad for the arachnids. Someday my kid and I will talk about the food chain and the importance of a balanced ecosystem and how every creature fits a role thanks to natural selection, except for Jar Jar. But for now, I will deal with her dislike of spiders the way every responsible parent does.
With extreme prejudice