Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kids Say the Darnedest... On No

My Crotch HURTS!!!!!

These are the words erupted from my two year old while in the dressing room with her mother and oldest sister while on a dress hunting expedition.  After getting a reaction from her audience she repeated the sentence over and over and yet still over with increasing volume.  Needless to say, she most likely learned the word "crotch" from yours truly.  I'm fairly certain that she heard use of this word when I was changing her diaper and was struggling to keep her hands away from the mess contained therein.  Of course I did not say this phrase directly.  I remember the conversation.

Me: Stop trying to touch your crotch kid.
Kid: Crotch?
Me: Oh shit, don't say crotch ok?
Kid: Shit crotch?
Me: Dammit, um... do you want to watch Paw Patrol?
Me: That should fix it.

I'm still pretty certain that she does not know what most of the words that I said during this conversation mean save Paw Patrol.  Only that she knows that in using them she got a reaction.  One of the most enjoyable and terrifying things is watching my children learn.  They are always learning.  Especially, it would seem, when I am hoping that they are not paying attention.

This has lead to a sobering awareness of my own actions.  One day, I was having what I consider a fully justifiable temper tantrum.  I don't remember why.  The toddler asked, "Are you mad dad?"
This made me aware that I was being watched and that, unless I wanted to see me at my least cool echoed in my children then I needed to get my shit together.  I took a deep breath and tried to make this a teaching moment.  "Yes Merritt, daddy is mad."

She responded by telling me, "I'm Madder!" she then clenched her tiny fists, thrust them down at her sides, then stomped around our home yelling, "I'm Madder!!!" She wasn't, she was just doing what she saw dad do.  It occurred to me that this is probably what I looked like to her.  Wow, I look like a child when I'm angry.  This did much to alleviate the stress I was feeling and replaced it with a healthy dose of shame.  Vader like, the student had become the master.

One of my first observations about being a parent was that I finally understood how much my parents loved me.  I knew that it wasn't the first lesson that my children would teach me. I know this latest lesson is far from the last.  If we do our jobs right and I keep learning from them and they keep learning from me, then in a couple of decades, we'll see just shy of a half dozen new and improved versions of my wife and I but with a few of our less flattering habits and an increase in the things that we are proud that we do.

Of course, they are their own people and while we will have great influence over what kind of people they will turn into, they will be who they will be.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  As long as they don't turn out to be Beliebers.


Monday, January 20, 2014

The Benefit of Experience

A few days back I put up a post about how we are fundraising to send my oldest child to Europe. I should point out by the way that she is going voluntarily and we are not attempting to have her deported.  What I have yet to address is why she is going and what are benefits to you, the reader.

The following is small list of reasons that you should contribute to my child's globe trotting experience.

  1. The world is getting smaller - With the popularity of the internet the world is a smaller place, unfortunately much of our smaller world is taken in sample sized portions.  For instance, many young people will grow up thinking that this picture is all that they need to know about Asian cultures... you know what, I was just did a google image search for Asian to see what would pop up and pick the most racially insensitive one, but holy shit, just holy shit.  Anyways, if you do that you will see that my point is made.  Christ, I need to go wash out my eyes. Her greater understanding of the world after this experience and sharing of this experience will help to add texture to the world when she describes it to her peers. 
  2. She may not have another opportunity like this - True, I don't have a typical life experience being that I have 5 kids and all, but the time to travel is when you are young are beholden to no one but yourself.  I have a friend that went skydiving about a decade ago.  I thought it sounded crazy then.  Now that we both have kids, anything more dangerous than friendly game of shuriken tag sounds totally irresponsible.
  3. She is a great ambassador -  I went to grade school with a kid named Bobby that was from Iceland.  He was nice and always played Ram-Man when we played He-Man.  To this day whenever I meet someone from Iceland, which is rarely, I always assume that they are polite and have a tendency to headbutt things. While I realize this is illogical, I still do it.  My kid is rad and in her travels she will single handedly erase the bad stereotypes about Americans that the Taliban is working so hard to sow into the subconscious of those in Europe.  You don't love terrorists do you? I'm not saying that she could possibly stop the next 9/11 type attack, but I am saying that if you love freedom, it is probably in your best interest to donate. 
  4. Social Justice - We are in a strange place financially speaking.  We are not rich enough to just write a check, nor are we poor enough to qualify for a show on TLC.  Anyone who ever enjoyed any sporting movie has rooted for the underdog.  By supporting my kid's trip to Europe you are helping a child of meager means have an experience usually reserved for the rich.  This is like helping Rocky punch Ivan Drago, or helping Hoops win the regatta, or helping Arnold Schwarzenegger fight the T-1000, the Predator, or a paternity test.
That's not a bad start, I'll get back at you with more advantages and a link to a blog that she is going to be writing as well as keeping you up to speed with her progress.
Until then, click here for your contributions.  
Thank you

Friday, January 17, 2014

and there's Parliament...again

If you are a regular visitor to this blog you have noticed an extreme drop off in the frequency of posts.  Trust that there have been several attempts at updates but they have been interrupted by, well... let me just try to summarize the last few months.

Maggie went to the hospital, Maggie went to the hospital again, we thought Maggie had pneumonia, then we thought she had  vasculitis, then we thought she may have leukemia, turns how she just had strep.  Then a bunch of produce fell on my wife while shopping, then the car broke, then the other car broke, then the cars got fixed then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then crying crying and crying, also sleep deprivation, a near hostage situation, braces, then a f'd up situation regarding medications, and finally the boys keeping banging their heads on crap.

Yeah, that all happened.

That being said, I'd like to introduce you to our next endeavor.  My 15 year old is going to Europe. We are working on  funding that, since we are all about crowd sourcing so I'd like to invite you to check out her page.

We are not looking for hand outs (although they are gratefully accepted) we are looking to find ways in which she can earn this money.  Things like dog walking, baby sitting, baby walking, dog sitting, bathing any combination of dogs and/or babies, car cleaning, house sitting, or anything else in this vein. 

In addition, I am offering personal self defense classes at a discounted rate (if you didn't know I taught martial arts for about a decade) as well as group zombie defense classes (Z Fu, yes this is a real thing) and finally I will perform unsanctioned 1 man reenactments of movies I have seen way to many times.  Currently the menu consists of Ghostbusters, The Three Amigos, Big Trouble In Little China, Dances With Wolves, White Men Can't Jump, Grease, The Princess Bride, and Die Hard. You should be forewarned that these performances will be terrible.  Just terrible.  You are basically paying to watch me make an ass of myself.
If you are interested in any of these please email us at

That is all for now I hope your new year is starting off well and that you are keeping warm if you are in an area effected by the arctic death zone.
