Thursday, September 27, 2012

The R Word

As we go through life our experiences shape who we are.  For instance, I used to hate the flavor of coconut.  Then one magical night I got pretty tipsy on Malibu rum and cokes.  Now I just hate the texture of coconut.  
I am the parent of a special needs child.  Prior to this experience I had, on occasion used the R word. Many of us have done it, and lets be honest there was a time and a place when we all laughed at it.
Needless to say, now that I am the parent of special needs child, I abhor it's use and have since taken corrective action.
I have heard the use of the R word defended in many instances.  Please read the following points and counterpoints. 
I'm not actually making fun of the retarded, they can't help the way they act, I'm just making fun of people that act like them that should know better.
Counter Point
“Ray I'm not saying that you are black, I'm just saying that you are late to work... you know, like a black guy would be.” This would get you face punched.
By Kimbo Slice
They don't know any better so how could it hurt their feelings?
Counter Point
Sometimes they do know, and even if they don't it is an interesting insight into the type of person that would be terrible to another human being because they could get away with it. Using this same logic we just lost the faux paux on roofies inspired date rape and sticking your room mates toothbrush into your asshole.
I have a cousin that has cerebral palsy, so I get a pass.
No, HE gets a pass.
Carlos Mencia does it
Carlos Mencia does it
I think that it only really offends the people that are their advocates, fuck those guys.
Those using this defense either have no idea that we advocates are involved in a daily battle simply to keep those close to us alive or are simply assholes that know that they are in the wrong but are to damn stubborn to admit it.
Oh I don't mean it that way.
When I ordered a Diet Coke what I really meant was coffee. Words mean things. They have definitions. The only thing keeping the dolphins from taking over are thumbs, language, and the fact that we know better than to bet on the Chicago Cubs. Keep a stranglehold on the shit that tumbles out of your mouth because people will and do judge you on what you say.
It's a technical and/or medical term.
Yes, at one point in time this was a socially accepted term.  Given the proper (medical) context, it occasionally still is. Language, like everything else, evolves.  It is no more socially acceptable to call an individual with Down syndrome the R word than it is to call a black person the N word or Anderson Cooper a "confirmed bachelor".
Sorry Ladies
Using the R word is inexcusable.  Worse than that it is a missed opportunity. You are trying to inform an individual usually of an opposing viewpoint that they are of less than average intelligence. Going to the insult well and coming up with retard is hack. You can do better. Take that round out of the clip and replace it with a few new ones, try them out and wait until one sticks. If you need to take someone down a notch, lets not do it by comparing their actions and opinions to those that were born with an extra chromosome and are doing their damnedest just to get by. Lets pick a new, more deserving example of drool inspiring simpletonism.
One Suggestion

One of the ways that the LGBT movement gained momentum was by getting out of the closet and letting their friends and neighbors know that they they were indeed, friends and neighbors.  In other words, it's a lot more difficult to claim to hate gay people when you find out that one of your best friends is gay.  Familiarity breeds acceptance.  In keeping with this theme I would like to introduce you to Maggie in hopes that the next time you consider using the R word, she crosses your mind and you reconsider.

She loves anything with Disney Princesses, Abba, They Might Be Giants, the movie Grease, and pretty much any other musical.  I have been lobbying for introducing her to the South Park movie but her mom has thus far shut that plan down.
She has two sisters.  One is a year older and infinitely patient and loving.  The other is a honey badger.
She is mostly non-verbal but does have a limited vocabulary and can use some sign language.
She has an infectious laugh and smiles with her whole body.  
She loves loves loves to dance.
That is Maggie.
I recommend attempting to replace the R word with the word Ridiculous.  This way you can get one syllable in and still turn it around.


  1. I love Mags <3 I love this post. I love you guys <3

  2. If that Isn't some levity and perspective, I don't know what is. Keep fighting the fight brother.
