Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Conversations We Must Now Have

            As you may suspect, now that we are a family of seven we are a bit of a spectacle when out in public.  The combination of a beautiful teenage daughter, a special needs kid, a two year old that is into EVERYTHING, and our ATV stroller carrying the twins tends to grab a bit of attention.  Our previous post pointed out some of the comments we have been assaulted with, though the individuals making the statements and asking the questions were well meaning I’m sure.  The following is not an actual conversation we have had, but combination of the greatest hits rolled into one whiz bang comedic free-for-all for you to enjoy.  Please keep in mind that these are all snippets of conversations with STRANGERS.

Stanger: Wow! That’s a lot of kids!
Us: Yeah, we have five in total.
Stranger: FIVE?! Wow, what ages?
Us: 15, 14, 2 and the twins are 10 months.
Stranger:  Well at least the older two can help out.
Us:  Well the 14 year old has Down Syndrome and as much as we love her, she is not much help when it comes to child care.
Stanger: Well I just want to thank you for not having an abortion.
Us: Exuse me?
Stranger: So many people just be bothered to raise their children these days.
Us: Stunned silence
Stranger: Well at least the 15 year old can help.
Us: We try to not make the 15 year old do to much.
Stranger: Why?
Us: Because she is 15 and if she gets good at child care then the terror of being a teen mom may dissolve. We prefer for her to watch us lose our shit all the time so the idea of parenthood appears to be a nightmarish hellscape.
 Stranger: Oh…Five kids huh… So… You ever been to Utah?
Us: Utah? No, why would we go to Utah?
Stranger: No reason, just asking is all.
Us: Oh, ok.
Stranger: What do you think of that new pope?
Us: Um.. No opinion really, why?
Stranger: Oh, no reason just asking.
Us: Ok…
Stranger: So the twins are both boys?
Us: Yeah.
Stranger: Did you get them snipped?
Us: Excuse me?
Stranger: Did you get them circumcised?
Us: Um, you seem awfully interested in my babies’ penis.
Stranger: No not at all, I just heard that a lot of people aren't doing that anymore.
Us: Well I gotta-
Stranger: Did you get your kids vaccinated?
Us: Yes, because science.
Stranger: Oh… Ok, well I guess each parent makes their own choices.
Us: Indeed we do. Can I just get my Happy Meals now? The kids are getting hungry.
Stranger: Oh sure, here you are, I’ll be praying for you.
Us: I’m not sure that’s such a hot idea.
Stranger: Why not?
Us: Prayer is what we used for birth control.  

Thanks again for your patients, we know that we have only posted a few times since we had the boys but we are trying to find a rhythm so we can post more on the regular.  
